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Summer is over and the pools are closed. Where are indoor pools in Chapel Hill?
We have a pretty good selection of indoor pools for year around swimming. Take a look at my list below and let me know if I missed any. You may also be interested in my page describing which Chapel Hill neighborhoods have neighborhood pools.
Town of Chapel Hill has 2 Indoor Pools
Swimming is available with a daily pass or you can purchase packages. We are lucky to have 2 great indoor pools provided by the Town of Chapel Hill
110 South Estes Drive, Chapel Hill
(located across from the main Post Office) You can’t see it from the road it’s well hidden. It’s been recently renovated.
Telephone: 968-2790
(919.968.2799) is fairly new and nice. It’s right off MLK Drive and located in Homestead Park.
There is also an indoor pool at the Orange County Sportsplex in Hillsborough
UNC’s Bowman Gray Indoor Pool
If you are a student or a full or part time employee of UNC you are eligible to use the Bowman Gray Indoor Pool. The web site has information about fees and schedules. Beware of the campus parking problem! Remember buses are free and there are lots of park and ride lots around.
This Olympic-length pool includes two 50-meter, six 25 meter, and six 25 yard lanes and is accessible through the Woollen men’s and women’s locker rooms.
Chapel Hill Carrboro YMCA
The indoor pool for the Chapel and Carrboro YMCA is located on MLK near the Estes Rd. intersection. It’s been there for a very long time. I remember taking my plump 6 month old for baby swimming lessons in the 1980’s. So many memories of the Y, it was the only indoor pool in town back then. Here is a link to membership information
UNC Wellness Center
This is my first choice now. The UNC Wellness Center is a wonderful facility and has the whole package. Swim, walk ,use the weight machines, have a massage, take a class then go over to Brixx for lunch and have a healthy salad or because you have worked out so hard have a pizza and beer.
Hollow Rock Swim and Racquet Club
This is a good location if you live on the North side of town and like to swim laps. Hollow Rock has been around for a long time. The club has a 25-meter 8 lane heated lap pool that is open year round. During the colder months the lap pool is protected by a high quality “bubble”, making swimming possible year-round. If you know of any other indoor pools in Chapel Hill please let me know.
by Marianne Howell Wright