How safe is the neighborhood in Chapel Hill that I’m considering?
That’s a question I get asked a lot and it is difficult to tell from most online crime maps what are the safe areas and neighborhoods.
Trulia is helping solve that problem with a neighborhood safety crime map that shows exactly where crime happens and what crime it was. You can go to a neighborhood you are thinking about and compare the neighborhood safety. I’ve looked around this site for a while and was surprised at some areas considered safe had much more crime than I would have expected. Crime really does occur in pockets.
Chapel Hill
The Chapel Hill Police have an apartment crime statistics page that lists apartment crimes.
For Chapel Hill Neighborhoods call:
Chapel Hill Police Information 919-968-2760
It’s also a good idea to check the national sex offender web site .
If you are seriously considering a neighborhood I recommend knocking on a few doors or talk with neighbors you see out in their yards or walking a dog. Every neighborhood has a quirky person two so keep that in mind as you check things out.
Neighborhoods also have personalities. Some have neighbors who are home and keep an eye on things during the day. Other neighborhoods clear out in the morning and are pretty deserted so take a look at your possible neighborhoods on weekdays as well as weekends, and several times a day to get a feeling what they are really like.
If you have a question about a specific neighborhood just let me know and I’ll help you with your research.
By Marianne Howell Wright 919-274-4365